Isnin, 30 Mei 2011

I can win a car just by drinking tea? How cool is that!?

BOH Tea is rewarding tea lovers with attractive prizes to be given out every week, which includes a Nissan Grand Livina! There are also 9 iPad2s and 84 Corelle tea-sets to be won. All you need to do is : have a cup of BOH tea, fill up the entry form with the instructions given and submit it to them! Plus, there are additional 3 iPads to be won if you join the Facebook and SMS mini contest. Participate in both contests to increase your chances of winning!



Create dance moves for Funbots and win Macbook Pro, iPad & lots more!

It's Munchy's 20th birthday anniversary and Munchy's is giving away big prizes to celebrate with all of us! Want to win prizes like Macbook Pro, iPad and iPod Nano? Just select your favourite Funbot, customize the robot dance moves and earn points by sharing the fun with your friends to win!